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Cassantec AG

More news about Cassantec AG

06.11.2019 09:35

ABB acquires prognostic solutions provider Cassantec

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03.11.2017 13:54

Hitachi Power Solutions relies on Cassantec

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07.04.2016 14:10

Swiss startups fill 16 positions on the Red Herring Europe Top 100 Shortlist

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05.11.2015 17:07

Cassantec Wins Innovation of Things Award in Berlin

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20.04.2015 11:11

Cassantec profitiert von Fast Startup-Programm der Software AG

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27.11.2013 11:56

KTI Startup-Label für Schweizer Jungfirmen

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13.09.2013 13:41

Combining leading-edge research and business experience

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Cassantec AG



