The token revolution: A new era of investing through blockchain-based shares


Tuesday, 11. June 2024; 18:30 - 19:30




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Switzerland was one of the first countries in the world to adopt legal guidelines for blockchain technology on August 1, 2021. This promotes legal stability and encourages innovation and development. Private companies can benefit from numerous advantages of blockchain technology, including the simple and efficient processing of share transactions without the need for contracts or signatures. In this way, blockchain technology enables the democratization of investments in unlisted companies. In 2021, Aktionariat AG has ushered in a new era of direct and scalable relationships between companies and investors based on blockchain technology. Companies benefit from blockchain-based solutions from the seed to the IPO phase.

During this STARTIMPULSE, we will discuss the impact of Switzerland's early adoption of legal guidelines for blockchain technology on August 1, 2021. This decision promotes legal stability and encourages innovation and development in this burgeoning field.
We will also explore the advantages that private companies can derive from blockchain technology, particularly regarding the simple and efficient processing of share transactions without the need for contracts or signatures. This discussion will shed light on how blockchain technology democratizes investments in unlisted companies, offering new opportunities for investors and businesses alike.
Furthermore, we will delve into how Aktionariat AG has ushered in a new era of direct and scalable relationships between companies and investors through blockchain technology. We will see how companies can benefit from blockchain-based solutions at every stage of their growth, from the seed phase to the initial public offering (IPO), and how this transforms the landscape of investments and business relationships.



Nicola Plain (37) schloss sein Studium an der Universität St. Gallen (HSG) mit einem Master in Business Innovation ab und erwarb einige Jahre später ein CAIA Level II Zertifikat. Er arbeitete fünf Jahre lang als Berater und Projektleiter für Daimler mit seinem eigenen kleinen Beratungsunternehmen. Desillusioniert von der Veränderungsresistenz großer Unternehmen beschloss er, in Zukunft nur noch in sehr agilen und flexiblen Umgebungen zu arbeiten. Am 01.02.2021 trat er in die Aktionariat AG ein, ein Unternehmen, das das neue Schweizer DLT-Gesetz nutzt, um Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zu geben, einen Marktplatz für ihre Aktien auf ihrer eigenen Website zu schaffen.
