Cloud Computing and Big Data Summit is looking for start-ups

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The European Tech Tour Association will present its 2nd Cloud & Big Data Summit on November 21-22, 2012 in Lausanne. 25 high-growth privately held companies have the chance to present to key European, US and Asian investors and professionals who can assist in their global expansion.

The promise of Cloud Computing is to deliver both IT and SW in a more efficient, flexible and reliable way. Since the 80s, IT and SW have been sold in "boxes" and cloud computing is now distributed through a new channel: the communication networks. This fundamental transition is actually taking place right now and the industry's double digit growth is there to prove it.
As Cloud computing is becoming a de facto standard, we are collectively storing massive amount of data in the cloud. Companies are now trying to mine this immense source of information. Assuming everything is stored in the cloud, interesting questions arise.
Big data will enable businesses to put this massive amount of information to work. Interconnecting and analysing all pieces of information collected by mankind offers limitless business potential. Time for re-imagination has come; in fact it is hard finding a business sector that will remain untouched by this transformation.
At the Cloud & Big Data Summit held on November 21-22, 2012 in Lausanne participants can gain unique insights on the cloud and big data opportunity, discover emerging solutions and network with those shaping tomorrow’s cloud and big data industry landscape.
25 high-growth privately held companies have the chance to present to key European, US and Asian investors and professionals who can assist in their global expansion. Founders and Researchers with business ideas whose ambition is to impact the European technology landscape and to become a global player in your field, the Cloud & Big Data Summit should now apply. They will get introduced to the delegates and exposed to the leading venture capital investors from the industry.

More information on the Techtour website.

