CTI supports MemoWays

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The toolset of Memoways helps content producers to create an interactive storyword. A project in cooperation with the Univerity of Geneva for further developing the solution is now supported by the CTI.

Memoways is a young Swiss company based in Geneva, created in 2011. Its mission is to elaborate an intuitive and powerful software toolset that enables content producers or providers to easily create an interactive storyworld in which the spectator can playfully “dive in” while being mobile.
After a financial support from the OFC / BAK (Swiss Federal cultural funding) this summer, helping to build up the Memoways application, the start-up received another Swiss Federal support, from the CTI.
The supported project called "MoveYourStory : Automatic and Interactive Mobile Story Creation", is done in close partnership with ISS / University of Geneva. The MYS project will improve the Memoways toolset by taking into account the behaviour and the current interests of the user. This information will be obtained by analysing the data produced by the different sensors of a smartphone.
In a blog post the company comments: “What is great with those two founding, is that it shows that our project is "compatible" with two, ordinarily separate visions: the cultural politics and the industrial logic. In order to build up a toolset that is generic and open to use outside of a given artistic / aesthetic background, we need an open-minded support that is not only focused either on the technical / economic side or only on the artistic / cultural aspects.”


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