DomoSafety reaches fundraising target

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DomoSafety, a company developing safety solutions for the home, started a financing round two month ago with DomoSafety has passed their minimum investment threshold of CHF 300'000 and is now giving investors the final chance to join.

DomoSafety has developed a revolutionary healthcare system that assures the safety of the elderly at home. This solution analyses behavior patterns to detect irregularities and alert caregivers or emergency personnel in case of danger. With DomoSafety, the elderly can substantially postpone their entrance in retirement homes and increase their autonomy.

The company from Lausanne already has first significant customers and a confirmed pilot project with leading caregivers association Spitex and the Canton Vaud: There will be at least 40 installed DomoSafety systems until the end of 2012. Additional 70 newly-constructed apartments will be equipped by mid-2013. In addition DomoSafety just has passed the CTI Startup Coaching acceptance.

End of April the company started a financing round. As of today, DomoSafety has raised close to CHF 500’000 investment interest. More than CHF 200’000 investment interest comes from the investiere investor community including a large, already committed investor and an additional CHF 280’000 comes from friends and family investors. DomoSafety has passed their minimum investment threshold of CHF 300'000 and is now giving investors the final chance to join.

