Experienced Entrepreneurs at the Blue Factory Boot Camp in Fribourg

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At the Blue Factory Boot Camp scheduled for September people with great business ideas will work on their projects with experienced entrepreneurs such as Elmar Mock (Creaholic), Alain Nicod (LeShop, VI Partners) or Christian Fischer (Bcomp). The Boot Camp is part of the Blue Factory challenge, a Fribourg initiative to equip students and young entrepreneurs with the resources they need to bring their business ideas to life.

The world is filled with great ideas. But only a few become reality. The Boot Camp organised by blueFACTORY is an intensive 4-day programme that will train smart students, inventors, researchers and other people with a great business idea to build up business ventures.
The participants will work with experienced entrepreneurs. The list is quite impressive. It includes: Christian Fischer, co-founder of Bcomp, Gregory Gerhardt, co-Founder of Amazee Labs, Elmar Mock, founder of Créaholic and co-inventor of Swatch, Alain Nicod, serial entrepreneur and Managing Partner at VI Partners AG, Markus Schneider, founder-CEO of several start-ups.
The participants at the boot camp will enhance their entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and experience. They can create or join an entrepreneurial team. In addition they will develop a methodology for generating business ideas and mapping them to existing or potential customer needs. And last but not least they gain experience in designing a business model, including acquiring key partners and finding avenues to market.
The winners of the Bluefactory challenge will be prepared, trained and supported financially to compete in the Boston MassChallenge  − the world’s largest start-up competition-cumaccelerator program. The Bluefactory Boot camp will take place in Fribourg in September. The deadline for registration is 30 July.

