CellSpring kicked by CHF 130.000

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Biotech start-up CellSpring has won the third and last round of Venture Kick. The spin-off from ETH Zurich is working on the next level in 3D cell culture.

Bringing a new drug to market costs between 1-2 billion CHF and takes over a decade to complete. For the last half-century, pharma companies and academic labs have relied on 2-dimensional cell structures to test potential new medicines. That is changing rapidly now as researchers observe more and more that cells grown in 3D structures mimic human organs and tumors much more closely. The two founders of CellSpring, Dr. Chris Millan and Kramer Schmidt, have devised a faster, more cost-effective method for developing 3D cell structures than current products to test medication. The innovation enables more reliable and earlier ”stop/go” decision making in the drug development timeline.

CellSpring’s vision is to reduce the number of drugs that fail during clinical testing and to reduce the number of animals needed for preclinical drug screening. But CTO Dr. Chris Millan knows that great innovation is not enough: “We are talking about bringing change to the highly standardized and regulated drug development process. Our 3D cell culture models will need to be rigorously validated before they are widely accepted in the industry. That’s our focus now and with the great support of Venture Kick we are up for the challenge!”


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