Major French investment group to buy a stake in BlueOrchard Finance

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Swiss microfinance investment pioneer BlueOrchard announced today that OFI Group, one of the major French investment managers, bought a 10 percent minority stake in the company.

BlueOrchard Finance S.A., based in Geneva, was the globally first commercial manager of microfinance debt investments. OFI Group now acquired a 10% minority stake of the Swiss company. The OFI Group managed EUR 53.5 billion at the end of 2012, mainly for institutional investors. Socially responsible investments have become a core expertise within the group since the merger with Macif Gestion, an SRI specialist since 1997. According to Novethic, the OFI Group currently ranks third in size amongst French asset managers active in this field.
“We are delighted to have concluded a strategic partnership with one of the strongest and most respected asset managers in France”, comments Melchior de Muralt, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors at BlueOrchard. “OFI is well known for its pro-active and client-focused approach to the market as well as its deep commitment to sustainable development and responsible investments. This makes the OFI Group an ideal partner for BlueOrchard as both companies share the same values and a similar vision for future development”.
Following its acquisition of a minority stake in BlueOrchard Finance S.A., the OFI Group will be represented on the Board of Directors of the Geneva-based company.
“The demand for socially responsible investment solutions has grown 20 times faster than the overall French fund market, and this trend is set to continue”, states Maxime du Chayla, Deputy CEO of OFI Asset Management. “As to the mutual funds managed by the OFI group, more than 25 percent of assets currently undergo SRI analysis, and we are determined to expand our expertise in the coming years. In this context, it is of utmost importance for us to team up with leading experts in various fields of socially responsible and impact investing. BlueOrchard clearly meets our criteria in terms of expertise and reputation. It is an honor to join forces with this leading microfinance investment management firm.”
BlueOrchard Finance S.A. was founded in 2001 as the globally first commercial manager of microfinance debt investments. To this day, the company has deployed approximately USD 2bn in loans to microfinance institutions, providing access to microcredit to over 30 million individuals across 50 countries.

