Management of Technology program open for application

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This Executive MBA program of EPFL and the Université de Lausanne has been pioneering the world of Entrepreneurship and Innovation since 1998. The program has fostered the creation of more than 60 start-ups by its graduates. The next program will start in September. Application deadline is March, 31st. On March, 6th an Information Session will take place.

The Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)  and the Université de Lausanne (UNIL-HEC) offer a joint program: “Executive MBA in Management of Technology" - MoT.
The overall objective is to enable professionals, who are concerned with innovation and entrepreneurship, to develop the skills they will need to foster the creation of new ventures.
It is an interdisciplinary program that provides to people from different backgrounds with the capabilities to start new activities that cross the traditional boundaries, between engineering and business cultures, for example.
The physical proximity of the two institutions enables them to share their expertise and experience in areas that are fully complementary. The presence of the scientific park next to the campus site also stimulates the creation of start-ups. Together both institutions have built a dynamic environment that contributes to the development of competitive and innovative enterprises.
The MoT program has fostered the creation of more than 60 start-ups by its graduates. One of the start-ups founded by a team of MoT 2012 participants called “Sophia Genetics” won the second prize at the Venture 2912 competition. The program is also recommended by top executives. Neil Rimer, General Partner Index Ventures, says: "We are looking for to finding the next generation of entrepreneurs who will recognize major market opportunities enabled by technology. We hope that many of them will have the competencies provided by programs such as the MoT. That will make our job much easier !"
The teaching part of program lasts 10 months, from September to early July, most of it is part time. It is followed by a 3 months project work in a company or a new venture. The program schedule is designed to enable participants to maintain 60-80% of their professional activity while attending training modules in Lausanne.
For Executives with managerial experience and who wish to have a lighter alternative (without the General Management modules offered by HEC), the DAS (Diploma of Advanced Study) in Management of Technology - MoT, is also offered.
Application deadline is March, 31st. On March, 6th an Information Session will take place. More information can be found on the website and in the brochure of the MoT program.

