Speed dating helps to find cofounders

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On 30 November the Entrepreneur Club organizes a speed dating for start-ups in Zurich. It is a good opportunity to find cofounders or join a startup.

In cooperation with START St. Gallen and the HUB Zurich, the Entrepreneur Club organizes for the second time a speed dating for startups. The goal is to match people looking for cofounders with people looking for teams to join. After a short pitch (one slide, one minute) in front of all participants, the startups have 12 slots of 5 minutes to interview potential candidates. There is more time to get to know each other afterwards at the bar, where the Entrepreneur Club offers snacks and drinks.

Thanks to the sponsoring by the Business and Economic Development Division of the Canton of Zurich, the event is free for the startups and the candidates. However, the speed dating is limited to only 20 startups and 40 candidates! If you wish to participate, fill out one of the following forms until Sunday, November 11:
- Application for Startups
- Application for Candidates
- Application for Guests

