Start-up boosts hiring and employee engagement with perks

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From today, companies in Zurich can sign up to Switzerland's first 'smart' perks and rewards package developed by Privilege, a Swiss start-up. In the first week of prelaunch sales, over 20 companies signed up to participate.

The start-up behind the offer, Privilege, offers participating companies' employees access to over 500 exclusive perks and rewards in Zurich via an easy to use smartphone app, tailored to both the company and the employee. Also included is a smart dashboard, which allows HR and team leaders to learn from and efficiently set up rewards, gifts and internal competitions, saving time and money, as well as improving performance.

The result is an employee perks and rewards system that employees actually want to use and improves engagement. Although already very popular in the US and UK, setting up an effective in-house perks and rewards system is prohibitively expensive for most companies in Switzerland, costing on average over CHF 200'000 and taking up to 18 months. 

Privilege has cut this down to 10 minutes set up time, with prices starting at CHF 500/employee.

"Key to what makes Privilege so powerful is the unique relationship with perk suppliers, as well as a very thorough theoretical and practical understanding of what 20-40 year old professionals want," says Nikki Böhler, cofounder of Privilege. "We hand picked the locations and providers which young professionals are either using currently or aspire to use, and negotiated great deals with these providers in order to build a platform which employees are excited to use everyday and tell friends about."

For perk providers, Privilege is a cheap and effective way to reach their target audience, which explains their willingness to participate with much better discounts and deals than can be found elsewhere.

In the first week of prelaunch sales, over 20 companies signed up to participate, with endorsements from big hitters such as industry expert Adrian Locher, the cofounder of DeinDeal. readers in Zurich can sign up for early access to Privilege before the 31st of December 2015, with special earlybird pricing. Please contact for more information.

(Press release)

