Start-up scene in motion

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Start-ups that openly provide information about their search for investors, founders who talk about sensitive issues such as valuations, and new perspectives on comprehensive co-working: this is what the corona crisis has set in motion.

Dear reader

There’s no question that the crisis triggered by Covid-19 is a serious challenge, and the depth and duration of the crisis are currently not predictable. Nevertheless, it is fascinating to see what it has set in motion; for example, Swiss start-up founders were once considered too reticent when it comes to sales. But now entrepreneurs are no longer afraid to announce success in the course of a financing round and also to point out that more investors are still needed. CUTISS, for example, has secured CHF 18.7 million and IDUN has announced seed funding of CHF 1.5 million, with electronics giant Sony one of the participants. Both start-ups are looking for additional investors.

In addition, two very large financing rounds caused a stir, with Climeworks receiving CHF 73 million and fintech pioneer Appway securing a good CHF 35 million.

Realbot Engineering is also planning a financing round. The start-up, which has developed a robot that can be used to view homes remotely via the internet, achieved a real breakthrough during the lockdown. It is now looking for CHF 3.5 million, with CEO Alexandros Tyropolis speaking openly about his view of the company’s valuation in our weekly start-up pitch article. Speaking of valuation, our Press Review has some articles on the development of valuations in the face of the crisis.

Another sensitive issue is addressed by UniteLabs founder Oskari Vinco: he wants to found a group that shares leadership experiences on a regular basis. We recently set up the Pinboard section on startupticker, in which we feature such initiatives as these and special offers. Take a look inside.

The lockdown has also triggered much in terms of presence in a central office, and this could lead to a revival of co-working in the near future. VillageOffice and SBB are now creating a joint offer: the partners plan to set up 60-80 co-working spaces at regional railway stations.

The 15 winners of this year’s edition of the >> venture >> competition show how strong the Swiss deep-tech start-up scene is. Five start-ups have been accepted into the ESA-BIC Switzerland incubation programme, and will each receive EUR 200,000 over the course of two years in addition to business and technical support. This year’s cohort of the MassChallenge Switzerland programme comprises a total of 82 projects from 22 countries, with more than 30 Swiss start-ups involved.

Applications are open until Monday for the next edition of the Kickstart Accelerator. Start-ups can register their interest in a slot on the next Virtual Venture Day until 10 June. The application deadline for the next Medtech Innovation Event has also started. And on 10 June the first swisstech.pitchinar - a virtual pitching competition will feature presentations from 20 DeepTech startups who be taking the virtual stage in Asia.

Finally, I would like to point out that public voting for the Top 100 Swiss Startup Award is ongoing. The race for the top spots is in full swing.

Have an enjoyable weekend.
Stefan Kyora

Editor in Chief,

