Swissborg reports remarkable success

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Following the launch of its flagship digital assets trading platform, SwissBorg had an impressive growth course. With more than 280,000 users signed to the platform and almost CHF 1 billion assets under management, its token has passed $1B market capitalisation.

Headquartered in Lausanne, SwissBorg is an investment platform designed to make wealth management accessible to everyone by providing them with the opportunity to invest in crypto assets in a fair, safe and straightforward manner and without hidden fees. The company employs an international team of over 100 employees based in Switzerland, Canada, the UK, and Estonia. It holds a Virtual Currency License, allowing it to provide virtual currency exchange and virtual currency wallets internationally. It is a member of VQF,  a self-regulatory organisation (SRO) in Switzerland. SROs are subject to supervision by FINMA, which recognises and monitors them.

The SwissBorg app, its flagship product launched in March 2020, provides users with the freedom and security to buy Bitcoin and other digital assets with ease and at the best price. The app currently empowers over 280,000 users to buy, sell and exchange digital assets, with features like AI-powered asset analysis and Portfolio Analytics to help them make intelligent investment decisions. As of January 2021, the app lists 12 crypto tokens and 15 fiat currencies and supports 285 fiat and crypto pairs. The app currently holds more than $1 billion in assets under management, and in its first 12 months, had more than $2 billion in exchange volume.

The SwissBorg token (CHSB), a multi-utility token issued on the Ethereum blockchain, is the heart of the SwissBorg ecosystem and was one of 2020’s top-performing tokens, skyrocketing by 2,700% and reaching the top 70 tokens on CoinMarketCap. In early 2021, the token continued its meteoric rise to an all-time high of $1.55 in March and achieved a market cap of more than $1 billion, reaching unicorn status. “In 2021, our goal is to become Europe’s top crypto wealth manager with over half a billion AUM and to get our CHSB token into CoinMarketCap’s top 50”, according to the company.

Further success comes from the company’s gamified Bitcoin prediction app, the Community App, which now has over 220,000 players, helping the crypto sphere reach its goal of mass adoption by providing the players with a free and zero-risk way to learn about the crypto market.

Launching the SwissBorg yield wallets for USDC, ETH and CHSB
Building on its success, the company launched the SwissBorg yield wallets in December 2020. This feature is an intelligent, secure and straightforward way for investors to earn yields on their favourite crypto tokens. Initially launched for the stablecoin USDC, the Smart Yield wallet allows users to earn up to 30% on the stablecoin. In January, the company launched a yielding program for its CHSB token, which today has 41% of CHSB tokens already locked in the program. This month, SwissBorg added a Smart Yield wallet for Ethereum – the world’s second-most popular cryptocurrency, which offers a yield of up to 15.75% and plans to add a yield-earning functionality to BTC, BNB and DAI this year.



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SBorg SA (SwissBorg)
