Venture is back!

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Switzerland’s leading business plan competition gets under way for the eighth time, to offer young entrepreneurs a platform on which they can develop their business ideas into fully-fledged plans for a successful business. They benefit from coaching by experts in all aspects of business while they do so.

Venture has now provided a supportive environment for more than 1,400 teams – and over 200 new companies have grown out of these teams, thereby creating hundreds of new jobs for highly skilled workers in Switzerland.

Venture invite you to take up the challenge of Venture 2012. Take advantage of the expert coaching by experienced and successful practitioners and the wide range of learning and know-how workshops that accompany the competition.
Venture 2012: the key dates
Thursday 29 September 2011
Venture 2012 Kick-off in Zurich
ETH Zürich, 18.30–20.00
Thursday 6 October 2011,
Venture 2012 Kick-off in Lausanne
EPF Lausanne, 18.30–20.00
Thursday 12 January 2012,
First awards ceremony
ETH Zürich, 18.30–20.00
Presentation of best business ideas
Thursday 24 May 2012,
Second awards ceremony
ETH Zürich, 18.30–20.00
Presentation of best business plans

