Natural coating is a new way to fight food waste reduction.


Jeudi, 02. May 2024; 18:30 - 19:30




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During this STARTIMPULSE, we will be discussing several key aspects related to the topic of environmental sustainability in the agri-food industry with a specific focus on reducing food waste through AgroSustain.

Our discussion will include:
Understanding the Environmental Impact: We'll begin by examining the broader environmental impact of the agri-food industry. This will involve looking at the industry's role in resource consumption, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.
The Significance of Food Waste: We'll delve into the issue of food waste and its consequences. This will include the environmental, economic, and social implications of wasted food.
Introduction to AgroSustain: We'll provide an overview of AgroSustain, the innovative solution that aims to reduce food waste in the agri-food industry. This will involve an introduction to the company, its mission, and the technology it employs.
AgroSustain's Approach: We'll explore the strategies and technologies used by AgroSustain to address food waste in the supply chain, from production and storage to distribution and retail.
