Registration for StartupCamp 2013 now open

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The StartupCamp aims to transfer knowledge and know how in the relaxed atmosphere of a Barcamp. The event consists of sessions proposed and scheduled by attendees during the intro session. The next camp is scheduled for 23 February and will take place in Basel.

At the StartupCamp the attendees learn from each other and expand their network with new interesting contacts. The StartupCamp consists of sessions proposed and scheduled by attendees during the intro session. So at this StartupCamp all participants are encouraged to actively contribute. Particpiants can introduce their topic in one or two sentences during the intro session and if people are interested in it they will get a slot. Everybody has something to say about his or her experiences in building a business or preparing one. There will be twenty 45 minutes slots available for participants to present or facilitate a session.
Tracks can include writing a business plan, fundraising, building the right team, startup support agencies in Switzerland, web technologies, marketing & PR and much more.
The first StartupCamp in Switzerland took place in 2009 and brought together nearly 200 young and future entrepreneurs in Switzerland in the process of building or planning a business in the Web, IT, media or high-tech industry. Since then, every February there is a StartupCamp Switzerland.
The next camp will take place on 23 February in Basel. More information on the Amazeelabs website.

