
11.10.2012 15:43

Three companies awarded with the CTI Start-up Label

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04.10.2012 11:29

Aïmago gets FDA clearence

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28.09.2012 12:35

nViso Receives Grant From Swiss CTI

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27.09.2012 05:25

KTI Medtech Award 2012: Löten statt nähen

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18.09.2012 11:34

Junisphere erweitert Lösungsportfolio mit eDesigner

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14.09.2012 13:19

CTI Grant for Electronic Patient Recruitment System in Clinical Trials

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13.09.2012 13:21

Four companies awarded with the CTI start-up Label

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07.09.2012 13:02

Top-8 Swiss Web Startups in Berlin

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05.09.2012 14:09

About the Gaps in Early Stage Financing

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31.08.2012 14:21

CEO Day: More than 170 applications in one week

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29.08.2012 09:04

Acht Schweizer Top Internet Start-ups auf der internationalen Bühne

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24.08.2012 12:16

Vom Studenten zum Startupper

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24.08.2012 11:12

Presenting companies for the next Swiss Venture Day have been chosen

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24.08.2012 09:39

Elmove kündigt Produktlaunch und KTI-Projekt an

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10.08.2012 14:31

venturelab: Neue Kurse ab Mitte August

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20.07.2012 13:24

Compact and efficient: the new website of CTI Start-up

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12.07.2012 12:35

Qualysense gets large project funded by Eureka-Eurostars

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09.07.2012 09:49

Limmex-Notrufuhr: Millionenauftrag aus dem Ausland

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21.06.2012 17:29

Usekit launches special offers for start-ups

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20.06.2012 17:22

CTI Start-up Label for Numab, Qvanteq, SwissTV and Virometix

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15.06.2012 12:46

Disruptive times in the banking industry as a chance for start-ups

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25.05.2012 10:24

Biotechnologie: Immer weniger Start-ups

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24.05.2012 15:32

Swiss Venture Guide 2012 is out now

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24.05.2012 13:00

Top start-ups at the CTI Micro Nano Event 2012

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11.05.2012 09:17

Lascco and EPFL receive funding from CTI/KTI

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07.05.2012 18:28

Technopark Academy bietet praxisorientierte Workshops

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04.05.2012 11:06

New programme with best practices workshops for business angels

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01.05.2012 17:49

Switzerland and South Africa step up cooperation on science

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26.04.2012 09:03

New central information platform for nanotechnology

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23.04.2012 15:57

Intueri awarded with CTI Start-up Label

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19.04.2012 15:08

How the federal funding works

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19.04.2012 14:26

CTI Medtech Event 2012

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19.04.2012 13:04

KTI mit zusätzlichen Mitteln ausgestattet

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18.04.2012 11:24

Alt trifft jung

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11.04.2012 14:51

Rayneer – der persönliche TV-Kanal

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05.04.2012 14:10

NBMolecules receives a CHF 205’000 grant from CTI

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04.04.2012 09:14

Meet the Swiss start-up national team 2012

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27.03.2012 17:58

Annette Douglas wins Red Dot “Best of the Best” Award

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19.03.2012 09:23

PainHawk: vom Projekt zur Firma

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09.03.2012 14:53

Soziales Netzwerk für Freizeitideen

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07.03.2012 11:16

CTI supports Numab’s pipeline with CHF 895’000

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06.03.2012 12:31

Telormedix and SUPSI Receive Funding from CTI

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29.02.2012 11:36

Working with startups

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28.02.2012 15:20

36th Swiss Venture Day - 7.3.2012 - 14-18 h - SIX Swiss Exchange Zurich

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24.02.2012 12:00

Biognosys and ETH Zurich receive CHF 1.5m funding from CTI

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22.02.2012 10:45

Weitere 60 Millionen für Innovationsförderung

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21.02.2012 16:29

Lausanne and Geneva to install CAScination technology

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21.02.2012 12:23

KTI schöpft zusätzliche 100 Millionen Franken vollständig aus

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