FIT Funding for Aspivix and Xemperia

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The Foundation for Technological Innovation announces two new loans to Aspivix and Xemperia. Aspivix has been awarded a Tech Growth loan of CHF 500,000 for its non-traumatic device for all gynaecological procedures, while Xemperia, which offers blood test for the detection of breast cancer, has been granted a Tech Seed loan of CHF 100,000.

Aspivix and its non-traumatic device for gynaecological procedures
For decades, gynaecological procedures involving access to the uterus have used the same device: Pozzi's forceps, or tenaculum, especially necessary for inserting an IUD. Problematically, the use of these forceps almost systematically causes lesions, pain and bleeding in patients, affecting more than 120 million women around the world every year.
Aspivix has developed a single-use device based on modern, safe and non-invasive technology, which aims to resolve the damage caused by Pozzi's forceps. Using a multi-patented suction technology, the device named carevix™ provides a grip and stabilisation of the cervix that reduces pain by up to 73% and bleeding by up to 78%, offering unrivalled comfort to patients. Already on the market, the product is arousing keen interest among practitioners and has already been convincingly tested in clinics on more than 500 patients. In Switzerland, BAYER (Schweiz) has joined forces with ASPIVIX to make carevix™ available to the widest possible audience.
The Tech Growth loan of CHF 500,000 granted to Aspivix by the Foundation for Technological Innovation will enable Aspivix to test its solution in 15 leading hospitals and clinics (in the United States, Europe, Switzerland and Brazil), invest in production tools, while continuing its product trials on other gynaecological indications.
Xemperia and its breast cancer detection solution
Breast cancer affects one in 8 women worldwide, making it the leading cause of cancer in women. If detected early, the 5-year survival rate is estimated at 98%... compared with just 27% if diagnosed late. Today, mammography is used for detection, but the technique has a number of shortcomings and is not suitable for all body types nor for all age groups.
Xemperia offers an innovative solution for detecting this type of cancer, based on a simple blood test. On the basis of blood samples, Xemperia researchers identify the presence of circulating immune cells carrying markers specific to breast cancer. This non-invasive method is quick and easy to perform and can be offered to all patient profiles. Thanks to this solution, the detection of breast cancer will be much more effective, enabling more lives to be saved.
The Foundation for Technological Innovation's contribution of CHF 100,000 - via a Tech Seed loan - will be used by Xemperia to achieve the objectives of its preparatory phase linked to the planned screening study.

(Press release)


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