CHF 150,000 for a new recruiting approach

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From left to right: Simon Hofer (CEO), Konstantin Nesterov (CTO), Marine Wehrli (Communication), James Margrove (Full-Stack Dev), Raphael Haut (Business Dev)

CareerLunch matches job seekers with employees at companies they are interested in joining —and brings them together for a virtual or in-person informal lunch meeting. The start-up obtained CHF150’000 from Venture Kick.

Traditional recruitment makes it challenging to assess a candidate’s cultural fit or give prospective hires much insight into their possible future work and colleagues. Co-founders Simon Hofer (MA HSG) and Konstantin Nesterov (MSc ETH) build CareerLunch to pair potential hires and employers for informal lunch meetings and give both sides more authentic opportunities to get to know each other.

CareerLunch launched in 2019 with a dozen employers at three of Switzerland’s biggest universities. In less than a year, the startup expanded its services to Austria and Germany and already count a sizeable number of top international employers as customers. For companies, CareerLunch presents a scalable solution to source, engage, and attract outstanding talents by establishing personal connections between prospective hires and existing employees. For talents, CareerLunch offers an informal way to meet potential future colleagues and learn about suitable roles and company culture.

CareerLunch aims to transform how companies recruit talent on a global scale. The Venture Kick funds are used to foster its position within its existing markets in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany, while expanding to new markets in Europe, such as the UK. “The Venture Kick funds allow us to enter new markets with more firepower, and the network allows us to onboard excellent advisors and investors,” said Simon Hofer, CEO and co-founder.

(Press release / SK)

Picture: CareerLunch team, from left to right: Simon Hofer (CEO), Konstantin Nesterov (CTO), Marine Wehrli (Communication), James Margrove (Full-Stack Dev), Raphael Haut (Business Dev) / Venture Kick

