Draft Feedback event #2


24.01.2024 18:30 - 21:00




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Seize this opportunity to refine your 2024 >>venture>> competition application as our team of experts and seasoned entrepreneurs offer personalized reviews, instant feedback, and share their expertise during dedicated 20-minute time slots!

Use this valuable opportunity to have the final draft of your application reviewed by our team of experts and seasoned entrepreneurs before hitting the submit button for the 2024 >>venture>> competition. 

In this highly-anticipated event, our experts dedicate 20-minute time slots to discussing your startup plan, providing instant feedback, answering your questions and sharing their expertise. You are at liberty to book time with as many as 3 different experts during the workshop. Our goal is that, at the end of the evening, you will come away with valuable suggestions on how to submit the best version of your startup plan for the 2024 >>venture>> competition. Book early as spaces fill up quickly!

You can book a maximum of 3 slots in total across our events. The same expert can't be booked twice by the same person. Please be aware that any additional bookings, after the allotted 3, will not be valid.

We have a waiting list for each juror. If the slot you would like to book has already been taken, send us an email at office@venture.ch.
