Falling Walls Switzerland - Pitching competition


01.09.2023 16:00 - 20:00

Application date



UZH, Digital Society Initiative (DSI), Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zürich


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The Falling Walls Lab Switzerland is a competition for students and early-career professionals that have innovative solutions/breakthrough research in all disciplines that positively impacts science and society. Selected applicants will pitch their projects on the Swiss selection to the jury to win the prize in the Swiss chapter and a spot in the Global finals in Berlin.


3:45 pm - Guest arrival and check-in

4:00 pm - Welcome by Frank Floessel, Head ETH Entrepreneurship, ETH Zurich

4:10 pm - Intro and start pitches

5:45 pm - Winner ceremony

6:00 pm - Networking apero

7:30 pm - End of event
