Ex Nunc and Carewell get FIT backing

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The Foundation for Technological Innovation (FIT) is supporting Ex Nunc Intelligence and Carewell. The artificial intelligence-based platform developed by Ex Nunc Intelligence for legal professionals has been awarded a Digital Seed loan of CHF 50,000, while Carewell and its digital marketplace for healthcare replacements has been awarded a Digital Grant of CHF 20,000.

Ex Nunc Intelligence and its intelligent platform revolutionise the legal world

For a legal professional, legal research represents a considerable amount of time. At the basis of any legal argument, the articles of law and other related materials require lawyers and legal experts to spend hours researching. It's time-consuming, tedious work, based on a methodology and tools that have barely changed over the decades.

The platform developed by Ex Nunc Intelligence aims to revolutionise this. The tool is presented as a Saas (a platform hosted in the Cloud) enabling legal professionals to have fast, simple and extremely effective access to the information that forms the basis of their research, articles of law and legal cases, in several languages. This database is powered by artificial intelligence, centralising all the information in one place. But it is also a facilitator in the understanding and production of deliverables, with the possibility of accessing detailed summaries of legal content and reliable answers to legal questions, as well as automation functions for the creation of legal documents.

The CHF 50,000 Digital Seed loan awarded by FIT to Ex Nunc Intelligence will enable the company to continue developing its activities, in particular by creating new functionalities and improving the user experience, as well as expanding its team.

Carewell and its platform to tackle the problem of staff shortages in the care sector

With the country's population living longer and longer, and healthcare costs rising year on year, Switzerland is facing a major shortage of healthcare professionals.

One of the problems identified by Carewell lies in the very process of replacing absent staff. When the individuals contacted to take over are not available, establishments often have no efficient tool for managing the pool of replacements. They then turn to services that offer little transparency and have outdated processes.

The platform developed by Carewell is designed to put healthcare institutions in touch with potentially available care staff: those who have left healthcare, are active in temporary work, or are thinking of leaving healthcare. The marketplace is based on three pillars: a digital platform (where job advertisements can be posted, profiles managed, etc.), an AI-based matching algorithm, and talent retention support activities. These three modules will remove the friction in the staffing process and help to resolve the shortage.

FIT has granted Carewell a Digital Grant of CHF 20,000, which will enable the company to continue developing its first product, in particular to meet the needs of regional hospitals. The grant will also be used to recruit around fifteen nurses and care assistants.

(Press release)


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